Born 1600's | Born 1700's | Born 1800's |
Born 1900 - 1949 | Born 1950 - 1999 | Born 2000 - 2049 |
Born from 1600 - 1699. |
John (Mixon, Mixson, Mickson), I (1610)
From England (possibly Ireland) in 1650 |
John (Mixon, Mixson, Mickson), II (1655)
Son of John (Mixon, Mixson, Mickson), I (1610) |
Grace Mixon/Mixson/Mickson (1660)
Spouse of John (Mixon, Mixson, Mickson), II (1655) |
Ellen (?) Mixon/Mixson/Mickson (1660)
Spouse of John (Mixon, Mixson, Mickson), I (1610) |
John (Mixon, Mixson), III (1679/80)
Son of John (Mixon, Mixson, Mickson), II (1655) |
Prudence Lide Mixon/Mixson (1682/1683)
Spouse of John Mixson/Mixon, III (1679/1680) |
William (Mixon, Mixson) (1683)
Son of John Mixson/Mixon/Mickson, II (1655) |
Matthew Mixon/Mixson/Mickson (1685)
Son of John Mixson/Mixon/Mickson, II (1655) |
Joyce Cleave Mixson
Spouse of John Mixson/Mixon, III (1679/1680) |
Mary Mixon/Mixson/Mickson (1687)
Daughter of John Mixson/Mixon/Mickson, II (1655) |
Jane Mixon/Mixson/Mickson (1693)
Daughter of John Mixson/Mixon/Mickson, II (1655) |
Samuel Mixon/Mixson/Mickson (~1699)
Son of John Mixson/Mixon, III (1679/1680) |
Born from 1700 - 1799. |
Sabrah (Sabrath?) Mixson (1701)
Daughter of John Mixson/Mixon, III (1679/1680) |
George Mixson (1702)
Son of John Mixson/Mixon, III (1679/1680) |
William Mixson/Mixon (1705)
Son of John Mixson/Mixon, III (1679/80) |
Mary (?) or Joyce (?) Mixon/Mixson
Spouse of John Mixon/Mixson, IV (1719) |
John (Mixon, Mixson), IV (1719)
Son of John Mixon/Mixson, III (1679/80) |
Michael (Mixon, Mixson) (1727)
Son of William (Mixon/Mixson) (1683) |
Salathiel Mixson(1732)
Daughter of George Mixson (1702) |
John C. Mixson, Sr. (1738)
Son of John Mixon/Mixson, IV (1719) |
Mable Mixson (~1739)
Spouse of John C. Mixson, Sr. (1738) |
Cornelius Mixon/Mixson
Son of John Mixon/Mixson, IV (1719) |
Samuel Mixon/Mixson
Son of John Mixon/Mixson, IV (1719) |
Jesse Mixon/Mixson
Son of John Mixon/Mixson, IV (1719) |
Abraham Mixon/Mixson
Son of John Mixon/Mixson, IV (1719) |
William Mixon/Mixson
Son of John Mixon/Mixson, IV (1719) |
Robert Mixon/Mixson
Son of John Mixon/Mixson, IV (1719) |
Elija Mixson, Sr. (1740)
Son of George Mixson (1702) |
Michael Mixon (1742)
Son of John Mixon/Mixson IV (1719) |
Zedekiah Mixson (1747)
Son of George Mixson, III (1702) |
Martha Mixson
Daughter of George Mixson, III (1702) |
Anna Mixson/Mixon
Daughter of Michael Mixson (1742) |
William Mixon (1st half of 1700's?)
Son of John Mixon IV and Mary |
Robert Mixon (Mid 1700's?)
Son of John Mixon IV and Mary |
Jehu Mixson (1767)
Son of Michael Mixson (1742) |
George Mixson (2nd) (1770)
Son of Elija Mixson, Sr. (1740) |
John Mixson (1772)
Son of Elija Mixson, Sr. (1740) |
Elijah Mixson, Jr. (1775)
Son of Elijah Mixson, Sr. (1740) |
Henry Mixson (1780)
Son of Elija Mixson, Sr. (1740) |
John C. Mixson, Jr. (ca. 1765)
Son of John C. Mixson, Sr. (1738) |
Samuel Mixon (1783)
Son of Michael Mixson (1742) |
Elizabeth Mixson (1790)
Daughter of Michael Mixson (1742) |
Archibald Kirkland Mixson (1797) ![]() Son of John C. Mixson, Jr. (ca. 1770) |
John (Late 1700's?)
Son of Michael Mixson (1742) |
Micah Mixson (Late 1700's?)
Son of Michael Mixson (1742) |
Susanna Mixon (Late 1700's?)
Daughter of Michael Mixson (1742) |
Mary Kirkland Mixson
Spouse of John C. Mixson, Jr. (ca. 1770) |
William Joyce Mixson (1793)
Son of John C. Mixson, Jr. (ca. 1770) |
Born from 1800 - 1899. |
Born from 1900 - 1949. |
Born from 1950 - 1999. |
Born from 2000 - 2049. |
Hayden Gunnar Voelker (2000)
Son of Kimberly Michelle (Mixson) Voelker (1971) |
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