Ham 'N Cheese Faux Casserole....
Source: Jim Mixson

2# potatoes, cubed to about 1/2 inch
1 1/4# boneless cooked ham, cubed to about 1/2 inch
1/2# grated cheddar cheese
JGM Mix as required (My concoction, see recipe.

Boil cubed potatoes in sufficient water to cover, seasoned with 1 T JGM Mix
Heat cubed ham in microwave
When potatoes are almost soft, just crispy, remove from heat and strain
In strainer, mix potatoes and heated ham
Pour mixture in 1 1/2 quart casserole dish
Cover with grated cheese
Place under broiler, on high, until top is crispy
Serve with a green vegetable and JGM Mix to taste