Creamed Corn a la Aunt Amber Lee....
Source: Jim Mixson as remembered from Aunt Amber Lee (Mixson) Anderson's kitchen

8 ears fresh corn, husked and de-silked
2 T bacon drippings
1 1/2 sticks butter
JGM Mix (see recipe) or salt & pepper to taste
1 1/2 cups whole milk

Slice the kernals off the corn cob a little at a time. The more slices, the creamier
the corn will be. At the end, scrape the cob with the back of the knife to get all
the juicy remnants. (I prefer a sharp boning knife to remove the corn from the cob.)
In a large well seasoned cast iron skillet, melt the butter in the bacon drippings
and add the corn.
Cook at a very low simmer for an hour, stirring every 2-3 minutes. It WILL stick.
Season with JGM Mix or salt and pepper and add a cup of milk.
Continue cooking at a very low simmer for another hour, again stirring every 2-3 
Add milk from time to time to desired creaminess. Reseason as desired.
The longer it cooks, the better...2-3 hours will suffice.