Memories of Uncle Charlie And The Tumble Bug

My great Uncle Charlie was an avid tobacco chewer. If I remember correctly, 
his brand was Beech Nut...along with a few million other people!
Anyhow he tells the story of driving somewhere one time with the car's vent
windows open. Remember vent windows? Those small, usually triangular shaped
windows in front of the regular car window which one could 
open and reverse and blow in cooling air? Well, as cool as outside air
can least you felt cooler as the air flow evaporated the sweat
covering your body! Yeh, well before car air conditioning came along.
Uncle Charlie's story is that a "tumblebug" (some refer to them as a 
"tumbleturds") any event these beetle creatures rolled cow dung into 
little balls. 
I know not what they did with these balls of cow feces. I guess somewhere 
in God's grand design there is a purpose. I don't have the get-go to 
research it.
Anyhow, Uncle Charlie's story is he and Aunt Mable were driving somewhere
with the said vent windows open. Evidently a "tumblebug" flew in the
open vent window and landed in Uncle Charlie's pouch of Beech Nut.
Yep, you guessed it; On his next "chaw", said "tumblebug" ended up
in Uncle Charlie's mouth!
Uncle Charlie had no teeth...and I don't ever remember him having false
ones. I guess he just rolled the thing around on his gums thinking it
was a chunk of tobacco 'til he realized what was going on. (Probably felt
it wiggle!!)
(Reminds me of the time a fly got in my potato chips at Magnesia
Springs!!! But, that's another story!)